Who Hates Bush More? The Left or the Right?
Cartoon-Copyright by Bryan E. Hall/Duly Consider
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It's getting very confusing for those on the left when they find more in common with conservatives than they find different, but with the decider's approval ratings sliding lower and lower, he is decidedly the most unpopular president in modern history. Even the Nixon family is regaining their reputation.
It seems while Republican Presidential candidates are standing in line to compare themselves to Ronald Reagan, despite his legacy of Alzheimer's, they are standing in quiet yet growing lines of those who distance themselves from the man who appears to be the worst President in history.
On this, the true conservatives and, well, everybody else except Bush's children agree, and frankly I haven't heard his twin daughters nor his wife defend him recently.
I have recently had to avoid my general assumptions that the GOP is steadfast as more and more of my Republican friends tell me they are more angry than I. People didn't understand until now that there really are some Republican that do love America and can admit when they were wrong. It is difficult for both extremes, but in this case, only so much weight on the chest can be resisted before suffocation. Mr. Bush has brought shame on his party, family, our military, his co-workers and government as a whole.
We may very well never repair the damage he has done to the entire system and its legitimacy. We are in a constitutional crisis and all with higher than a 50 IQ or an income lower than a billion would agree he has hurt America. Frankly, I don't know any billionaire Republicans personally, so it's hard to even get someone into a fight unless I visit the local Nazi party, and they are even hard to find nowadays; and I live in Georgia.From staunch Right Wing News to the liberal San Fransisco Sentinel, we find people holding hands ready to lynch the President. Some may want his neck because he has made them unelectable, while others hate him for simply ignoring the value of life (at least those already born).
On one thing we all agree, the men and women in Iraq have been incredibly mismanaged and the President has used them in an attempt to look like a "real man". Even W's father suggested recently "there is Bush fatigue" when he was asked about the possibility of younger Bush brother, Jeb, having a chance of filling W's shoes. If this is what GHWB and Barbara say, imagine what they think.
President Bush should not be hated at all, he is a very fine President, after all what would you have done when the USA was attack, hid your head in the sand like everyone else on the democrats side wants to do now. what a bunch of cowards.
Bush has been unapolagetic about following flawed policy after flawed policy. For those who think the man's doing a good job, join the Army and tell me how you feel about your fellow soldiers be shot and blown up. We join willing to risk our lives, even to die. But we'd like to feel our comrades who have fallen did so to accomplish a lasting peace, not as a bandaid on the gaping wound that is sectarian violence in Iraq.
In answer to your question: I would have listened to the military men and woman (such as Colin Powell) who actually knew how to use the military and not break it. What kind of leader demands of others what he himself never did and was never even prepared to do.
It somehow makes sense to go after the attackers and not a random county. FOR MORE THAN FOUR YEARS NOW the entire world (including the Bush Administration) has known that Iraq had absolutely NOTHING to do with attacking us. Keeping one's head in the sand dear reader must also apply to those who can't (or won't) accept the simple fact about Iraq's non involvement. At this point in the game, the fact that you do not seem to know that suggests that the sand in YOUR sandbox is mighty deep.
-Democrat, Iraq war veteran, US Army
P.S. Dear reader, I didn't see you over there. I guess your foolhardy talk is the only think couragous about you!
In answer to your question: I would have listened to the military men and woman (such as Colin Powell) who actually knew how to use the military and not break it. What kind of leader demands of others what he himself never did and was never even prepared to do.
It somehow makes sense to go after the attackers and not a random county. FOR MORE THAN FOUR YEARS NOW the entire world (including the Bush Administration) has known that Iraq had absolutely NOTHING to do with attacking us. Keeping one's head in the sand dear reader must also apply to those who can't (or won't) accept the simple fact about Iraq's non involvement. At this point in the game, the fact that you do not seem to know that suggests that the sand in YOUR sandbox is mighty deep.
-Democrat, Iraq war veteran, US Army
P.S. Dear reader, I didn't see you over there. I guess your foolhardy talk is the only think couragous about you!
Well, I certainly wouldn't have wasted billions of civilian tax dollars on a mismanaged war that has gone on for far too long, and I most definitely would not have lied about the existance and/or availability of WMDs.
Hate does no good at all-so hating Mr. Bush really doesn't accomplish anything. I am sure he has been faced with many tough decisions and in the end has made some very bad choices. The choices he made, so they say, were based on bad intelligence that he was provided.So he is not the only one to blame. In the end if he has lied to America and done things that put our country in jeopardy it will all come out-maybe not in our lifetime, but eventually the truth will be known by all. I just hope that he has been honest with us.
I would want to make sure beyond a doubt that I know exactly who attacked us before I went shooting from the hip at the most desirable enemy on my list.
I think what should have been done when the USA was attacked was to go into Afghanistan where the terrorists were from, not into Iraq. As far as not hating Bush, well maybe he can make up the difference in my salary with the paycut I had to take since he and the republicans are directly responsible for the economy being in the toilet and compnay after company is shutting down due to work leaving the country. How about a tarriff on ANY thing imported to make American products the thing of choice.
Wow Anonmyous!
You must be one of the 28% of the country that still hides their head in a hole and fiddles while the country and the world burns. Consistent with the I.Q. level of these morons, you misspelled the words "hide" and "attacks". Anyone who has the brains to see through the Rove propaganda machine can see that saying this administration was a faliure overlooks the fact that they intentionally ,repeatedly and criminally abused their power and undermined the constituion. Anyone with a spark can see that Democrats and Liberals are the true patriots.
This means if we went to war against Saddam on trumped up charges of WMD and 9/11 culpability and the administration knew it, then we as a nation are responsible for his murder. It doesn't matter how awful he was and what he was doing to his own people, we had no cause to oust him and then execute him. What a mess!
Speaking of Bush leading war even though he never was in one or was prepared to be in one: the whole idea of power by the people gives us responsibility for our votes. If it is unfair for Bush to start a war even though he has never been in one, then it is also unfair to vote for a candidate who is going to send people to war if you are not willing to be one of the people he sends. If you vote for a candidate who supports the war in 2008, you are actively participating in sending people off to war. If you are going to do this, be prepared to explain to yourself why the war is worth other people's lives but not your own. If you are confortable with your own elitism, or perhaps you don't mind the troop surge as long as you get a tax cut, then I guess you are a part of the Grand Ol' 28%.
Nowhere but in America does the idea of American Exceptionalism exist,and it is a moribund and anti-historical
belief, in my opinion. Corporations and special interests have successfully undermined the framework of our Democracy, yet here we are presuming to have the right to spread it around the world even when it has ceased to exist here. Recall that our electorate expressed a desire for the ending of the war last November. But just as he did not heed the will of the People in 2000 he again ignores it now. One can only surmise that these are nefarious characters we're talking about here who are inured to our appeals for reason and balance. God help America!
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